Friday, 16 September 2016

Models Own - Chrome Pearl

Yesterday was all about love, but today we have to sit down and have a serious chat. I'm very disappointed, guys. I've already talked about one Models Own polish that was just underwhelming. Now we have to look at her sister, which is actually, somehow, worse. Brace yourselves.

Models Own "Chrome Pearl" is a pale silver chrome polish.

1-2 Coats Models Own "Chrome Pearl"

Shall we talk about the good or bad first? Bad first, so we can end on a high note.

So yeah, this is not meant to be a textured polish. The MO website states that the Chrome collection has a "super shiny foil finish" which is just yas! But oh no, you can see here and in my other swatch that this is neither shiny nor a foil finish. This is lumpy and streaky af. I know I probably have a bad bottle or "Chrome Pearl" has a terrible formula. There's bad separation in the bottle, making application inconsistent. In the swatch, I needed one coat on my pointer and pinkie, and two on my middle and ring fingers. So yeah, that's weird. 

Now a silver lining, to this silver polish: it dries down relatively fast, and the colour is quite pretty. Not what I was expecting (that bottle is totally different), but pretty regardless. If you can work out the lumps, the finish is also kind of nice too. It works well with tans! But that is it.

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